Recipe: Appetizing Butternut Squash Lasagna - Keto

Delicious, fresh and tasty.

Butternut Squash Lasagna - Keto.

Butternut Squash Lasagna - Keto

Yes, this is an easy recipe just once the additional ones. I think the hardest portion is to find the best ingredients consequently you can enjoy the savory Butternut Squash Lasagna - Keto for your lunch with your associates or family. You can have Butternut Squash Lasagna - Keto using 13 ingredients and 5 steps. Here is how you cook it.

Ingredients of Butternut Squash Lasagna - Keto

  1. You need 1/2 of Butternut Squash.
  2. You need 2 tbsp of Olive Oil.
  3. It's 1 of Mozzarella.
  4. It's of Meat sauce.
  5. Prepare 200 g of Minced Beef.
  6. It's 300 g of Tomato Puree.
  7. It's 2 cloves of Garlic.
  8. It's To taste of Oregano, Basil, Salt, Pepper.
  9. It's 1/2 of Onion.
  10. It's of White sauce.
  11. You need 2 tbsp of Butter.
  12. Prepare 2 tbsp of Flour.
  13. Prepare 1 1/4 cup of Milk.

Butternut Squash Lasagna - Keto step by step

  1. Pre-bake the squash by baking at 175C for around 40 minutes and let it cool down. This will make it easier to peel and cut the squash. In the meantime, we can prepare the sauces..
  2. The meat sauce - Press garlic into pre-heated pan with olive oil and roast slightly. Add finely diced onion and roast until golden, followed by the minced beef, salt and pepper. Once the beef is cooked all over, we can add the tomato puree with the herbs, salt and pepper to taste and let it simmer until the flavours blend well together..
  3. The white sauce - Melt 2 spoons of butter in another pan and stir in 2 spoons of flour. Keep stirring on medium-high heat for about 2-3 minutes. In the meantime, pour a glass of milk and place in the microwave for a minute and a half. Pour 1/2 cup into the butter-flour mix, and pour an extra quarter of the cup of milk into the cup, mixing well before pouring into the mix. We do not want to cool the mix down by pouring in cold milk. Taste with salt and pepper. Stir until the sauce thickens..
  4. Having the butternut ready, we cut off the top half (the half without seeds) peel it and slice into thin slices all across into ‘lasagna sheets’..
  5. We pour a tiny bit of oil into a baking dish, and build a base layer with the squash slices. We pour our meat sauce as a second layer, followed by another layer of squash sheets. The white sauce is next, and the final layer of squash. Topped with mozzarella all over, the lasagna are ready to be baked at 180• for 20-30 minutes..

Just inform you that the recipe already tested by team, you usefully follow every the cooking steps and collect the ingredients to acquire the savory Butternut Squash Lasagna - Keto. If you have questions or requests around this article, occupy open us as soon as possible. And don't forget to bookmark this page appropriately you will easily find it another time later. The content source: