Recipe: Perfect Keto Bacon Spinach Salad

Delicious, fresh and tasty.

Keto Bacon Spinach Salad.

Keto Bacon Spinach Salad

Yes, this is an easy recipe just behind the other ones. I think the hardest allowance is to locate the best ingredients as a result you can enjoy the savory Keto Bacon Spinach Salad for your lunch with your associates or family. You can cook Keto Bacon Spinach Salad using 7 ingredients and 4 steps. Here is how you cook that.

Ingredients of Keto Bacon Spinach Salad

  1. It's 50 g of Spinach.
  2. Prepare of Cooked Bacon.
  3. Prepare 1 T of butter.
  4. Prepare 1 T of MCT or Coconut Oil.
  5. It's Dash of Pink Salt.
  6. It's Dash of Chili Flakes.
  7. Prepare of Any left over meat (optional).

Keto Bacon Spinach Salad step by step

  1. Wash the spinach. Lightly steam in the Microwave a few seconds..
  2. Add your protein. Add the butter while it's still hot..
  3. Add your oil, salt and chili. Mix well..
  4. Enjoy..

I will just to let you know recipe already tested by team, you helpfully follow every the cooking instructions and prepare the ingredients to acquire the savory Keto Bacon Spinach Salad. If you have questions or requests in relation to this article, interest entry us as soon as possible. And don't forget to bookmark this page thus you will easily find it again later. The content source: